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Writer's pictureLauren Vogel

Yoga for Your Back

One of the many reasons I developed a devoted yoga practice years ago was due to a low back injury. I had a bulging disc between my L4 and L5 vertebrae. A steroid injection only injured me further and when I finally ended up in physical therapy what do you think we did? YOGA!

Prior to that I had already practiced yoga for several years but never on a daily or even regular basis. So instead of paying lots of moolah to go to a physical therapist, I decided to devote myself to a yoga practice.

After 6 months of steady practice (3-4 times a week), I realized that I hadn’t even thought about my low back in weeks. Prior to yoga, my life revolved around my low back pain. I spent many hours lying around on the couch, nursing my back, wasting my life away! The fact that I hadn’t even thought about my back for weeks was a testament to how healing the yoga had been for my spine.

After years of practice, years of teaching and my own personal experience, I know a thing or two about this low back/yoga stuff. Here’s a video of a yoga sequence designed to heal and strengthen your low back.

Disclaimer! - Of course, of course, of course…I’m no doctor just a mere yoga teacher. If trying these movements brings you any sort of acute, pin prick pain in those sensitive areas, BACK OFF! Discomfort is okay. Pain is NEVER okay. Some say, “No pain, no gain.” I say, “No pain, no pain!!”

Listen to your body always!


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